Cycle Powers x Mental Health

Cycle Powers x Mental Health

As many of us know from experience, the menstrual cycle isn’t just a physical process—it also affects emotions and mental well-being. From menstruation to ovulation, each phase brings its own challenges and opportunities.

In this guide, we’ll share simple tips for navigating each stage of your cycle, helping you listen to your body and take care of your mental health along the way. Embrace the flow, and learn how to support yourself, no matter where you are in your cycle.

Menstruation / Inner Winter
Listen to what your body needs and honor it. 

As your body gears up for the monthly reset, it’s common to experience a range of emotions and physical sensations. Your uterus is shedding its lining, and you might notice mood swings, fatigue, and cramps. This is totally normal and often referred to as PMS. Remember, it’s okay to prioritize self-care during this time. 

Treat yourself to a warm bath or your favorite comfort food.

Follicular / Inner Spring
Feel the surge! 

Rising estrogen levels bring a wave of vitality, lifting your spirits and infusing you with newfound energy. Embrace this revitalization by engaging in activities that invigorate your soul. With hormonal fluctuations stabilizing, you may notice enhanced mental clarity and focus. Use this clarity to set intentions and cultivate a sense of purpose as you navigate the days ahead. Elevated estrogen levels contribute to an improved mood, fostering a sense of optimism and resilience. Embrace this uplifted state of mind as you embrace new opportunities and possibilities.

Harness the transformative power of the follicular phase to prioritize your mental well-being. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and self-care, knowing that you are supported every step of the way. 

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Ovulation / Inner Spring
Channel the peak of your cyclical energy! 

With estrogen peaking, your communication skills are heightened and you may feel more extroverted. You feel like you can do it all! This could be the time to do work that is challenging and bold. Follow through on projects, schedule all the meetings, and connect with your community. Just check your Embody app to make sure you’re not overloading your upcoming luteal and menstrual phases with too many meetings and social events. 

You might experience a dip in energy and mood directly after ovulation — this is normal, and noticing this dip helps build your body literacy. Knowing when you’re ovulating is a true Cyclepower. 💪

Luteal / Inner Fall
Feel empowered to slow down

Your energy might start to slowly wane and you may feel more introverted, critical and irritable during this phase. As you head toward menstruation, maintain boundaries and ask for what you need. You may feel productive so check things off your to do list and prepare for the next phase. Some people even experience a bit of a ‘nesting’ urge during this time — inner winter is coming.

Buy the soup, tidy the house, cancel the plans for next weekend. Put yourself first by practicing self-care and taking personal space. Journal what emotions might be coming up and stay embodied with practices like dance and yoga to keep them moving.

Want to learn more about your cycle?
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Embody app 😄

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